Need help with food intolerance?

Work with Lithe Wellness Solutions to avoid the food that is making you uncomfortable, giving you joint pain and leaving you without any energy.
I can help you without increasing your grocery cost and make it easy...even when you go out to eat.
Not sure if you have a food intolerance?
Symptoms of food sensitivities include
vomiting, diarrhea, blood in the stool, eczema, hives, skin rashes, wheezing
and runny noses, and joint pain. Other symptoms include fatigue, gas, mood swings, nervousness, migraine headaches, the list goes on and on!
Research is also growing regarding food sensitivities around asthma and chronic inflammatory illnesses (think IBS, migraines and arthritis)! A food intolerance shows up over a couple of days time and is not an immediate reaction. It is super common to be intolerant to more than one food at the same time...and many people have several symptoms.
Symptoms of a food intolerance can also include a foggy brain, being constantly and chronically tired, skin problems like adult acne and psoriasis, stiff and sore joints, a bloated tummy and tummy trouble (going to the bathroom frequently or irregularly or hardly ever).
Why a food intolerance?
An example: Babies and kids don't make the digestive enzymes necessary to digest grains. Some adults never develop the enzymes needed to break down grains...translating into a gluten intolerance. Another really common intolerance is dairy (think lactose intolerance, where a person does not make the enzymes to digest the sugar in milk). Other people have issues with caffeine, salicylates and additives or preservatives.
If you have already discovered your food intolerance, but don't know where to turn next, are afraid of the work, the cost and the effort, you are in luck. I am here to make it easy on you! Here is a list of stuff that will help you feel more energetic, attractive and just to make life a little more easy on you.
"Awesome tips that differ from "the usual". Tip #3 was a total eye-opener for me that has significantly changed they way I shop for produce! I was surprised about the foods that heal, that they aren't crazy ingredients (in fact, we love them!), making it really easy to incorporate them into our daily recipes. And the pizza recipe allows us to feed our kids one of their favorite foods, even on a grain-free diet! Kelley has created such a wonderful resource here, a must have for all to read!" Kayla S.
"You simply have to check this out!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you for all the wonderful helpful hints. I learned a lot; especially the differences between organically and store bought vegetables/fruits. I had no idea that organically grown produce had so many more vitamins, and thought "organic" was purchased mainly to avoid all the pesticides used. Love the lists provided and I will definitely try to follow them. I have already used the web sources you provided to help find some farmer's markets for the warm months ahead. There is just so much more!! I could go on and on about how great a read this is, but then you wouldn't have to. So........check it out for yourself!!!!!!!!" Sharon R.
3 Tips to Picking the Perfect Produce
Are you sick of wasting your grocery budget on fruit that goes bad, super fast? Do you stop yourself from putting veggies in your cart because they will go bad before you can put them in your dinner?
Don't waste another dollar!
Download your copy of
3 Tips to Picking the Perfect Produce!
As a special bonus, you will get 2 Foods that Harm and 2 Foods that Heal, plus a recipe that ties it all together (and uses up that produce before it goes bad!).
Here is what people are saying:
"Awesome tips that differ from "the usual". Tip #3 was a total eye-opener for me that has significantly changed they way I shop for produce! I was surprised about the foods that heal, that they aren't crazy ingredients (in fact, we love them!), making it really easy to incorporate them into our daily recipes. And the pizza recipe allows us to feed our kids one of their favorite foods, even on a grain-free diet! Kelley has created such a wonderful resource here, a must have for all to read!" Kayla S.
"You simply have to check this out!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you for all the wonderful helpful hints. I learned a lot; especially the differences between organically and store bought vegetables/fruits. I had no idea that organically grown produce had so many more vitamins, and thought "organic" was purchased mainly to avoid all the pesticides used. Love the lists provided and I will definitely try to follow them. I have already used the web sources you provided to help find some farmer's markets for the warm months ahead. There is just so much more!! I could go on and on about how great a read this is, but then you wouldn't have to. So........check it out for yourself!!!!!!!!" Sharon R.
Don't miss out!
Download your copy in the side bar on the right.
That is breakfast, lunch and dinner.
That is snacks and treats for an entire week.
Even the grocery list is done for you!
That is snacks and treats for an entire week.
Even the grocery list is done for you!
"Thank you Kelley! This is just what I was looking for!"
Just click on the "add to cart" button and you will be on your way.
Don't you just love it when someone else does all of the work for you?

You want to feel healthy.
Energetic. Good in your own body.
Instead you are feeling depleted, empty and like every day is a struggle. Or, you have mysterious weight gain, or troublesome bathroom habits.
You are not alone.
I am here for you. I want to offer you a 30 minute, completely free Nourish Session.
We will spend 30 minutes together that will leave you feeling fulfilled, attractive and energetic
…and dare I say...on the road to becoming properly nourished!
Nourish Session is held over the phone, so you never even have to leave the
comfort of your own home. If we are a
good fit for each other, I will make some recommendations about next steps for you and options we can work on together.
Call 763.647.0522 or use the icon below to schedule your Nourish Session or the your first appointment of your Success Pack.
Ready to feel
Get started with the
Fruition Series
Did you know
that food intolerance can be more than just an inconvenience, a pain, a
brain fog or an uncomfortable thorn? For example, gluten intolerance can
lead to other autoimmune disorders; Alzheimer’s, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
and Multiple Sclerosis are all
auto immune disorders.
Now that you know all of that, what is holding you back?
If you don't know how to fix the problem or are afraid of
the work and the cost, you are not alone.
Let me help. I will make it easy and affordable. I can
even do it without raising your grocery
When the conventional patient has a problem, they go see the doctor who sends them to the dietitian. In the holistic world, patients see the homeopath or the naturopath and then are left on their own to sift through the world of overwhelming information and to make mistakes that they pay for by sacrificing their good health. In other words, two steps forward, one step back. At Lithe Wellness Solutions, I can take away the “one step back”. I am that bridge between natural, holistic care and overwhelmed and stuck with nothing to eat. I can help you move forward successfully, without feeling overwhelmed, without feeling like you can’t eat.
When the conventional patient has a problem, they go see the doctor who sends them to the dietitian. In the holistic world, patients see the homeopath or the naturopath and then are left on their own to sift through the world of overwhelming information and to make mistakes that they pay for by sacrificing their good health. In other words, two steps forward, one step back. At Lithe Wellness Solutions, I can take away the “one step back”. I am that bridge between natural, holistic care and overwhelmed and stuck with nothing to eat. I can help you move forward successfully, without feeling overwhelmed, without feeling like you can’t eat.
If any of that sounds like you, you need the Fruition
Series, a package that will shift you from helpless and overwhelmed to moving
forward and feeling good. This Series
includes two dynamic, holistic coaching sessions with me, Kelley Suggs,
Holistic Health Coach and Whole Foods expert, incorporates your specific Road Maps to Success and recipes that
fit your life, your budget and your tastes. The third session is a Grocery Cart
Revolution, held in a grocery store to go over the foods in your store and to answer your questions. You
also receive a Recipe Redoux where
you provide your favorite heirloom family recipe, your comfort food, your soul
food recipe and I will re-make it so you can eat it and still feel energetic,
attractive and bright.
Call 763.647.0522 or use the icon above to schedule your your first appointment in the Food Intolerance Success Pack.