Worried about organic food, but don't have the budget to spend on it? Want to know more about High Fructose Corn Syrup and Soy and how they actually effects your body? Worried about trans fats, monounsaturated fats, saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats? Decode the myths, facts and fiction with The 5 Things You Need to Know in order to Survive and Thrive in the Grocery Store phone based seminar!
This seminar is packed with things you can do the minute you hang up the phone. There is also a lot of time in the seminar to ask your specific questions, so write them down and bring them along. Spots are limited so there is time to ask questions. Join Kelley for an hour long seminar packed with the top five things you need to know right now. Take this seminar before you plant your garden this spring and before your next trip to the grocery store!
The 5 Things You Need to Know
in order to
Survive and Thrive
in the Grocery Store
More dates coming soon!
LWS offers from scratch cooking lessons, kitchen pantry makeovers and grocery cart revolutions. We use Intrinsic Methodology to help you achieve your best thinking and help to reach your goals. Holistic health coaching offers foundation building, support, accountability and non judgmental service whether your goals are fitness related or nutrition related. Don't know how to cook? LWS can help with that too. Because the ability to cook means freedom, means you don't have to depend on anyone else (or fast food) and you can create something from nothing, from scratch cooking lessons are available too!
Lithe Wellness Solutions is the place to go for dynamic health education programs, holistic health coaching and maternal fitness. Holistic Health Coaching sessions can be phone based or in person if you are in the greater Twin Cities area. Fitness sessions are held in our Buffalo, MN studio.
Don't miss out!
Call 763.647.0522 to set up your first appointment.
Call 763.647.0522 to set up your first appointment.